Typing this while listening.
Very awesome introduction chords.
I dig the melody and the progression in it.
Then at 30 seconds you introduce a kick, which is way too soft for the main kick.
So I don't really think it is a main kick haha, as expected you keep building.
At 1 minute a really nice tom variation and keeps building and building.
I can really feel tension.
Then at 1.24.................. 0.o ....................... 0.o ?!.
What the hell ?!. Only 3 months of producing and already being this far.
You have some great potentional mate.
You already know how the structure of a house track is made, and the mastering is good enough!.
This will probably be my only point of criticm too. And then especially the kick.
You can hear it, but it is a bit too stereo, not sure if you did this on purpose or not,
But because it is stereo it does not give as much power as it could. Also, a stereo kick takes up potential space for a pluck / melody or chord for example.
But apart from that, im amazed at how good this is for real!.
9/10 5/5 from me mate.
It is nearly perfect on a professional level, and beyond perfect for a guy 8 months in.