Sounds pretty cool
I will post some remarks that might help you :
You are making music at a pretty high level so I will save you the "OH WOWZORS EPICNESS 100000/10" which would be quite useless anyway :P.
Your track starts off sounds pretty decent. good kick, and the progression is immediately noticeable.
The Bass you add here doesn't feel good. It is at the right key, but the octave is a bit too high. Try to bring this down like one or 2 octaves. Also try to increase the sub bass and remove the low/mid bass on that sound.
I like this transition.
But this phase of the track till 00:58 is a bit boring.
Perhaps you can filter in that next sound you introduce at 00:58.
At 00:58 it sounds really good.
Really good break structure.
i LOVE the sound at 1:58, and especially the percussion there.
at 2:15 you let in some synths. but they got a little too much mid tone. Lower that a little.
Here I felt a little let down. There was no climax here. But I thought it would haha xD this is just personal though. What is not personal , is the fact that you actually build out a little instead of building it up.
At this phase you removed the breakbeat and continued with the normal 4/4 kicks. This transition is not very good, try to make it build up to the climax. :P.
This is where I felt the build to the climax.
And I must say, that climax phase till 3:25 ROCKS.
I really like it. Again, I do not like the phase between 2:54 and 3:08.
Try to keep it a bit progressive here (by swapping the breakbeat and the 4/4 kicks for example).
3:08 and up
I love that bass you use. It reminds me a little bit of dubstep and electro house.
Apart from that this phase wasn't "special".
Many sounds are already shown in the intro and the buildup.
You usually take instruments that haven't been introduced yet in order to satisfy listeners.
in general
You really got the hang of making a progressive track, good job !.
Now the next thing you have to work on, is mastering.
this so called mastering, is nothing more than a bunch of effects in the MASTER FX channel. For example a reverb or delay that affects the entire track.
What Ive done with my mastering is playing with a fruity multiband compressor (guessing you use FL). I also improved the bass and lowered the mid and high tones a tad in the master fx. When you change it in the master, you don't have to adjust other instruments on the go. That way you keep some structure for you wont adjust everything manual (which could give a different mastering every time). What also helps, is adding a compressor on your kick in EVERY NEXT SONG YOU MAKE. Make the kick as hard as possible (on the brink of distortion).
Now every other sound you make you will adapt to the kick, and not vice versa.
Cause i noticed your kick was a bit soft (in volume) during the track. Kicks are really important mate :P. The harder the kick, the more interesting it is.
Omg I have typed too much lol.. sorry for that. Really hope it was useful though.
If you have questions, or just want to thank me for this amazing review (lol xD), feel free to PM me and/or listen to my own tracks. (potency - left behind) is a track of mine i plan to finish soon. It will be released under DigitalPhunkRecords.
If you take everything I told you into account, your quality will equal to PotencY - Left Behind haha.